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Right of entry - September 12, 2024

NCSS is actively working with Senator Jarvis to address concerns about this legislation. Senator Jarvis expressed his intention to attempt to move the legislation out of GS 89C to the trespass statute, where it was initially meant to be placed. As you will recall, Senate Bill 677 altered this by including licensure reduction provisions that put the language in GS 89C. Per Senator Jarvis’s request, we have been carefully reviewing the language to ensure all unintended consequences are properly addressed. It is up to Senator Jarvis as to the proper timing, but we hope to have what he asked for by next week if an opportunity to include this were to arise before the next session. 

To clarify further, no legislative opportunity has been missed to attempt to move the wording. The House and Senate have only convened once since June, and it was for a very limited package that the House and Senate pre-negotiated for some necessary appropriations. This bill, as Senator Jarvis knows, could not have any additions. The only other items up for consideration were veto overrides, and as you may know, no changes can be made to a bill up for a veto override.

Right of entry - August 1, 2024

The NC Society of Surveyors is diligently working with key legislators at the General Assembly to amend the recent right-of-entry law for surveyors. The new law has some unintended consequences, and we are ensuring those are fixed. We are diligently working with NCBEES, and they are aware of the General Assembly's intention to change the law.

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