The NCSS Museum of Archives and Preservation of Surveying, Inc. (NCSS MAPS, Inc.) provides an avenue to preserve the past of surveying and invest in the future.

Contact us

331 S White Street
PO Box 2101
Wake Forest, NC 27588
Phone: 919-556-9848

NCSS MAPS Database

The MAPS Database was introduced in 2011 as a way to record and preserve the maps of retired and deceased North Carolina surveyors. These maps, part of an ever-growing compilation, are housed here as a resource for members of NCSS.  These maps are archival copies of the original document, only. No representation is made as to current accuracy.

Click Here to View the NCSS MAPS Database

View C.L. Mann Real Estate Maps Index
City of Raleigh/Wake County, NC

View Unrecorded Maps of Mecklenburg County